Learn how your genes can affect
Recovery — Injury risk — Motivation
Metabolism — Mental focus — Eating habits
Pain tolerance — Aerobic capacity — Food intolerances
Body composition — Nutrient requirements — Exercise performance
Research shows that the nutritional status of both women and men can impact fertility. We also know that specific variations in our genes can explain why some of us respond differently from others to the same foods, beverages and supplements we consume.
The answer may be in your genes
‘Eat for My DNA’ Consulting
with Angela
– Certified Nutritionist,
Holistic Cancer Practitioner,
Certified Essential Oil Coach, &
Women’s Hormone Specialist
I can show you how to work WITH your body, instead of AGAINST it to help you:
– Lose Weight
– Gain Health &
– Fight Dis-ease & Illness
“Nothing compares to the ‘flow’ of working ‘with’ your body for optimal health and performance.”
Angela - Total Health Method